The deadline to submit the final presentation/poster materials is February 28th on the website
For oral presentations
- Final version of the 2 page abstract
- Presentation slides
- Short video (if you are an award finalists please upload an 8 min video, otherwise please upload a 5 min video).
- Long video (20-30 mins)
- Title, presenter’s bio, head shot, affiliation
- Optional for oral presentations: poster
The long video will be made available to registered NVMW participants shortly before the workshop. The short video will be played during the session the paper is in, followed by Q&A with the presenter and attendees.
For poster presentations
- Final version of the 2 page abstract
- Title, presenter, bio, head shot, affiliation
- Optional for poster presentations: short video
- Poster (with specification below)
- Size: Letter (8.5 inches*11 inches)
- Orientation: Landscape
- Minimum Font Size: 11 points
- File format: PDF
The 12th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Workshop (NVMW 2021) provides a unique showcase for outstanding research on solid state, non-volatile memories. Last year’s workshop (NVMW 2020) included 45 speakers from top universities, industrial research labs, and device manufacturers.
This year, the NVMW will present three awards: The first is the inaugural Persistent Impact Prize to recognize high-impact research published more than 5 years ago. We will also award two Memorable Paper Awards recognizing the best work published in the last 18 months.
The organizing committee is soliciting presentations on any topic related to non-volatile, solid-state memories, including:
- Advances in memory devices or memory cell design.
- Characterization of commercial or experimental memory devices.
- Error correction and data encoding schemes for non-volatile memories.
- Advances in non-volatile memory-based storage systems.
- Operating system and file system designs for non-volatile memories.
- Security and reliability of solid-state storage systems.
- Applications of non-volatile memories to scientific, “big data”, and high-performance workloads.
- Implications of non-volatile memories for applications such as databases and NoSQL systems.
Presentations may include new results or work that has already been published during the 18 months prior to the submission deadline. In lieu of printed proceedings, we will post the slides and extended abstracts of the presentations online. Presentation of new work at the workshop does not preclude future publication.
Workshop submissions should be in the form of a 2-page presentation abstract. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of impact, novelty, and general interest.
The submission deadline is Friday, December 11th, December 18th, with notification for acceptance by January 22 29, 2021.
Further details on abstract submission, technical program, tutorials, travel, social program, and travel grant will be provided on this website.
Formatting Instructions
Submission should be 2 pages (including bibliography) in the standard two-column conference format. There are no strict formatting requirements but use reasonable font sizes and margins, etc. Abstracts should provide a summary of the work with an emphasis on motivation and potential impact. If the work has been published elsewhere, please include an explicit citation of the original paper with a link to a publically-available PDF. Submissions are not blind.
CALL FOR Tutorials
Each year the NVMW includes a tutorial on Sunday afternoon that covers a topic in more depth. Tutorials are typically 2-4 hours long and are a long-form presentation on the topic(s). Previous tutorial topics have include:
- Phase change memory
- Signal processing for NVMs
- Data integrity in storage stacks
- RamCloud
- Persistent memory programming
We invite proposals for the 2021 tutorial. They can be submitted via the button below.
Tutorial proposals should be between 1 and 3 pages and include a brief outline of the material to be covered, discussion of its relevance to the NVMW community, and the qualifications of the presenters. The tutorial will be selected based on the timeliness and general interest of the topic to the NVMW community.
The submission details will be posted soon.