NVMW Persistent Impact Prize
The NVMW Persistent Impact Prize is awarded annually to a paper published at least five years prior that has had an exceptional impact on the fields of study related to non-volatile memories. The award committee interprets both “impact” and “non-volatile memories” broadly. There is no requirement for the work to have been presented at the NVMW. The award includes a $1000 cash prize.
Nominations are due February 17, 2023 at midnight AoE.
NVMW Memorable Paper Award
The NVMW Memorable Paper Award is awarded annually to a student paper published in the last two years that is of exceptional quality and is expected to have a substantial impact on the fields of study related to non-volatile memories. Two awards will be given: One in the area of system architectures and applications and another in the area of devices, coding, and information theory.
Each award includes a $1000 cash prize.