The NVMW Memorable Paper Award is awarded annually to a paper published in the 18 months prior to the NVM submission deadline that is of exceptional quality and is expected to have substantial impact on the fields of study related to non-volatile memories. The lead author of the paper must have been a graduate or undergraduate student at the time the work was performed. All abstracts submitted to the NVMW that 1) meet this criterion and 2) summarize work that has appeared in major, peer-reviewed, archival conference or journal (i.e., appeared in an official proceedings or journal publication) will be considered for the award. The program committee will select a set of nominee papers and a subset of the committee will select the winner based on a combination of the work’s quality, potential impact, and the presentation made at NVMW.
In 2018, two awards will be given: One in the area of system architectures and applications and another in the area of devices, coding, and information theory. Each award includes a $1000 cash prize, and the student presenter will receive a travel grant to help cover the cost of attending NVMW 2018.