NVMW Persistent Impact Prize
The NVMW Persistent Impact Prize is awarded annually to papers published at least five years prior that have had an exceptional impact on the fields of study related to non-volatile memories. The award committee interprets both “impact” and “non-volatile memories” broadly. To be eligible, work must have appeared in a major, peer-reviewed, archival conference or journal (i.e., appeared in official proceedings or journal publication). For conference papers, the date of the conference will be used to determine eligibility. For journals, we will use the publication date. There is no requirement for the work to have been presented at the NVMW. The award includes a cash prize.
Anyone may nominate any paper (including self-nominations). Nominators should send a one-page nominating statement to htseng@ucr.edu by February 17th, 2024, with the following information:
- The name of the nominated paper.
- A citation of the nominated paper (i.e., a bibliography entry).
- A summary of the paper’s contributions and its impact since publication. If the paper has had an impact beyond conventional metrics (e.g., citation count), be sure to highlight it.
- A suggested, “citation statement” (e.g., “This paper laid the foundation of widget design theory and paved the way for…”) for the award.
- The nominating statement should not include the nominator’s name.
Awarding of the prize is contingent upon one of the authors attending the NVMW 2024 to accept it.